Products and Services
From your data we can produce a printed catalog. Would you like an alternative to laying out pages and pages of descriptions, photos,
line art and pricing information by hand (cut-and-paste)? Image One Technologies® can automate the layout process for quick turnaround
and error free text. Whether the document is 8 pages or 800 pages, we can make your catalog production faster and easier. And since your
database drives the printed catalog, you can be assured that there will be no data entry errors.
Both the index and table of contents can also be automatically produced, saving even more time. Also, even though the entire catalog
production process is automated, you can still make adjustments to the document before it goes to press. Images and text can be manipulated to your satisfaction.
Our customers have seen their catalog production times cut from months to weeks using our services. Imagine the time and money saved. Also, when
it comes time for catalog revision, simple changes to the database will effect the information changes so that when the new catalog is run, the edits will be included.
Best of all, the same database that drives your printed catalog production, can also resource an Electronic Catalog and your E-Commerce solutions.
It just keeps getting better and better.
Image One Technologies® is ready to help you produce your printed catalog accurately and efficiently.
Here are several printed catalogs developed by Image One Technologies®.
Contact Image One Technologies® to find out more about Print Media.
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